(Walhalla, SC)--------------------------------------The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help today in locating a missing Walhalla teenager.
Investigators are seeking the whereabouts of 13 year old Ariel Ray Underwood. Ariel left her home on Goat Road sometime between 10pm on May 4th and 7am on May 5th. Family members reported Arial missing to the Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday morning.
The family did not have a clothing description for Ariel during the time when she left the house. Ariel is 5’2” tall, weighs 128 pounds and has black hair and hazel eyes. Ariel’s information has been entered into the National Crimes Information Center database.
Deputies and investigators have been working on leads and speaking with family members and others in regards to locating Ariel. Investigators believe that Ariel could be in the company of her boyfriend and an adult, possibly in a silver four door small sedan, maybe a Ford Fusion.
Investigators also believe that Ariel could possibly be in the Atlanta Metro area and law enforcement officials there have been contacted by the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office.
If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of 13 year old Ariel Ray Underwood, you are asked to call the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office at 864-638-4111 or Crimestoppers, where you can remain anonymous, at 1-888-CRIME-SC. You can also provide a tip for Crimestoppers online at the following link: http://www.oconeesccrimestoppers.com/sitemenu.aspx?ID=583&