Our Oconee Environmental Program
Our Oconee Environmental Program
A county that is well-maintained is a source of pride for local residents, business owners and citizens. Oconee County strives to be a place that everyone can be proud of and will continue its efforts to become a litter-free community by incentivizing local organizations and residents. Oconee County Council has approved the Our Oconee program, which was developed in an attempt to clean up twenty-five (25%) percent of the roads in the County every year. With a focus on litter reduction, education and recycling, the Our Oconee program is in conjunction with Keep Oconee Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep South Carolina Beautiful.
Eligible Organizations:
To participate in the Our Oconee program, a nonprofit organization, school, business or civic group must have been in existence for at least one (1) year prior to application submittal and may not be representative of or affiliated with any political party.
Organizations must also provide the following documentation:
Proof of 501(c)(3) status (if applicable);
A completed W-9 form;
Proof of liability insurance; and Individual liability waivers for each participant.
All participants must be at least 16 years old on the application submittal date
Application Process:
Oconee County Sheriff’s Office will review all applications and assign roads/mileage to eligible organizations.
Location assignments will depend on the total number of applications, the order in which they are received and an organization’s road/mileage preferences.
If an organization’s requested location is no longer available, County personnel will coordinate with the applicant to find a suitable alternative.
Once a location has been assigned to an organization, it cannot be changed without consent from Oconee County Sheriff’s Office to be eligible for awarded funds.
Organizations must reapply annually and are not guaranteed to be assigned the same number of miles or location each year.
Verification Process:
Organizations must notify Oconee County Sheriff’s Office prior to their scheduled cleanup event.
At the litter cleanup, organizations must:
Take before and after photos of their assigned stretch of road;
Clean both sides of the road and split highways;
Clean from edge of pavement to tree line, property line or other reasonable physical obstructions; and
Record the number of full bags picked up and any other items, such as tires, furniture, etc.
Organizations are not responsible for cleaning up hazardous materials.
Award of Funds:
Upon verification that the entire road segment has been cleaned to reasonable standards, organizations will be awarded a sum of $250 per mile cleaned (not to exceed 10 miles per year).
The award will be sent by Oconee County via check within thirty (30) days of cleanup completion.
All cleanups must be completed within the designated calendar year in order to be eligible for award funds.
Contact for more info:

Tommy Crompton
Uniform Patrol / Reserves
Contact Information: